Creación del nuevo Instituto de Antropología y estudios interdisciplinares sobre la dignidad humana y el cuidado de las personas vulnerables
“Se nos está dando una formación de excelencia; debemos responder de la misma manera”.
Heartfelt thanks to Daniel Portillo and to the entire Pontifical University of Mexico for the journey and the mission they share with us.

On Thursday, March 22, I met with Fr. Daniel Portillo, an esteemed long-time collaborator of the CCP, who works at the Pontifical University of Mexico, where he directs the Centro de Investigación y Formación Interdisciplinar para la Protección del Menor (CEPROME, Center of Interdisciplinary Research and Education for the Protection of Minors), founded at the same university in 2017.
Since 2016, Daniel Portillo and CEPROME have been actively collaborating with the CCP, creating blended-learning formation courses in the summer for delegates sent by the Mexican dioceses to be trained on the issue of child protection and prevention of child sexual abuse. The courses are created by integrating meetings with the staff with the online modules of the CCP’s e-learning program.
Since the beginning of our collaboration, Daniel has been among our most enthusiastic and active partners: creative ideas, projects, and dedicated research have typified his approach. With high-level academic preparation (he studied both at the Pontifical Gregorian University and at the Pontifical University of Mexico), Daniel also carries out research work. With great pleasure we received fruit of this commitment: his recently published book Psycho-teología del discernimiento vocacional (Psycho-Theology of Vocational Discernment), which constitutes a further contribution to the reflection on the prevention of sexual abuse in the Church.
It is a pleasure to collaborate with institutions that work with us to pursue high-level education to create a mature and scientifically-rooted awareness for increasingly better and more widespread prevention and protection work.
Heartfelt thanks to Daniel Portillo and to the entire Pontifical University of Mexico for the journey and the mission they share with us.